Web Analytics
ALGOBRAINZ is by far the leader when it comes to owning your own data and protecting privacy. The granular controls and plugins make it unlike any other analytics platform.Web analytics software can also be used to monitor whether a site's pages are working properly or not.With this information, Web site administrators can determine which areas of the site are popular and which areas of the site do not get traffic.
Website Measurement
Website as a marketing tool will not bring business but analyzing and evaluating its significance in your marketing strategy makes the difference. Identifying how the website is performing will help to improve the dark areas and get more prospective customers. Activity tracking in all of your domains with a consolidated view of customer data provides A team of experts will provide support to this website measurement at each every phase of your business.
Heatmaps Measurement
Real time view of activity of the user in a picturesque manner. In situations where the decisions are to be taken instantly these heat maps can be of great help. It is a completely integrated feature of the multi channel analytics. They are applied to the web pages to read real time activity
Generally, Hotspots are used to indicate the very frequent customer activity areas. The less active areas are usually darkened. On a single attempt the the customer activity can be viewed. The analytics feature “analytics dashboards” are used to view the heatmaps. These dashboards are very scalable according the number pages it has to be applied.Features include:
Test buttons, links,menus, widget positions and site layouts.
Additional advantages
- Demonstrating the user behaviour to the non technical audience.
- Ability to take correct decisions.
- Scrutinizing the conversions.
- Facilitating the better content availability and accessibility.
- Advancing the IA basing on the user activity log.
Social Measurement
Social Measurement helps you to layout a strategy to map the customer engagement and digital conversions. The expert consultants help you tailor the social measurement strategy to best suit your business and meet its objectives.This can be broadly mentioned as a bigger view of digital intelligence strategy.
Our very own dynamic analytics helps to estimates the revenue, leads, engagements.Once the process of setting goals and mapping them to the business is performed now the multi channel analytics dashboard will illustrate the data stored. These initial set ups helps to obtain a customized view of the website. With these basic principles it is very easy to derive the concept of social media in the environment of the digital channels
Advantages of Website and Social Measurement
- These measurement strategies help to make an estimate of the performance readings and link them to the marketing results to business objectives.
- Scalable and secure.
- Social Measurement is adaptable by any company irrespective of its size and data fluctuations are easily handled.
- Data regulation and integrating the marketing activities to ERP systems.
- Results are produced in easy to follow reports or data visualizations.
Mobile Measurement
With the mobile measurement strategy the complete information about the user including their access details can be obtained. This provides an elaborated data which can can be a guide to the mobile marketing strategy through cross-channel activities, thus enabling to acquire new prospective customers during their interaction with the apps, mobile web, social, etc.
As the mobile is most active digital channel and the apps and devices priority change with the technology the mobile analytics will provide you mobile data which is more apt for your digital properties and thus enabling you to develop an appropriate strategy meeting the business goals.
Features of Mobile Analytics
- Calculate the adoption to the mobile, customer interaction on the mobile channels and the complete performance of the marketing activities with respect to the digital marketing.
- The platform of business can be moulded according to the business ness thus ensuring the quality.
- Design the marketing activities based on the data collected which could be downloads, mobile web activity, video consumption, location and device priorities.